ARMA makes it easy to buy the book for music history and theory courses, because it is available by student subscription or by site license. For instructors who find it difficult to persuade students to by the book, ARMA gives them all the reasons to do so.
ARMA goes beyond the print book by allowing instructors to customize the contents. It can be larger than possible in print withouti incurring exorbitant costs. By using the faculty login, instructors can build unique courses that contain all the music scores, commentaries, and articles that they will use with their students. Other faculty resources are available in ARMA to support coures, like the content guides for evaluations and resources pages for class assignments. This adds value to the the ARMA subscription because of the ways it shapes the entire experience for students.
ARMA’s Resource Pages list materials available on important topics, so that instructors and their students can easily find the music scores, commentaries, and articles about genres, composers, or topics. When students want to explore issues in more depth, instructors can take the student to the resource pages to give them more ways to use ARMA. Instructors can also use the resource pages to show the materials at their students’ fingertips when they give an assignments that involve material not covered in class, like an analysis of a sonata or song. With ARMA students do not need to wonder about where to go to find more depth: it is all ready to use with their ARMA subscriptions.
The Content Guides give instructors models for teaching and evaulating their students’ progress with ID items, important terms, essay topics, and even short readings to use for exams and quizzes. The Content Guides anchor the coures more firmly in ARMA and also provide models for instructors to use as they develop their own materials with ARMA.
By using ARMA and integrating resources pages and content guides into their courses, instructors can go beyond the book, to give their students something more with ARMA. ARMA transforms the conventional book into a dynamic resource-text that supports courses on various topics effectively. For this kind of experience, there should be no question about buying the book when instructors make ARMA part of their courses. Whether access is by student subscription or through a site license, no questions should remain about getting the book when it comes to ARMA!