Anatomy of an ARMA Article

In this blog post, we’ll take you on a guided tour through the structure of an article within the A-R Music Anthology. Discover how each article encapsulates the essence of Western Art Music, providing insightful analyses, historical contexts, and plentiful online resources!

Landing Page

Each article begins with a landing page, including:

  • Article title
  • Information about the author
  • Interactive table of contents 
  • ARMA contact information
The interactive table of contents takes you exactly to where you want to go in the document – it saves you the time and hassle of scrolling through pages!


The introduction sets the stage for understanding and discussing the topic. Introductions give a glimpse into the historical background, key elements, and cultural relevance of the subject, making it easier for readers to dive into the music with some context.


The examples within each article help to provide further context into the subject, providing tangible references that allow readers to connect theoretical analysis with specific sources.

Examples are spread throughout the articles to maximize engagement and enhance analysis.

Interactive Footnotes and
In-Text Citations

The inclusion of interactive footnotes allows the reader to utilize resources outside of the Anthology in their experience with each article. 

Both footnotes and in-text citations are optimized to engage the reader both inside and outside of the article, including links to:

  • examples within the article
  • tables within the article
  • peer-reviewed sources from reputable organizations
  • scores from ARMA and beyond
  • listening samples

Interactive Bibliography

The interactive bibliography enhances the reader experience by offering a comprehensive list of references that allow you and your students to access the original information sources. This is incredibly valuable in conducting further research and encouraging student exploration in the classroom.

Here is an example of a link within an ARMA article. As you can see in the top right corner, results are even oriented to your location for easy access to source material!

Music List

The Music List is a feature that is unique to ARMA and serves as a great tool for student engagement and further exploration!

With regularly updated links, the Music List serves as an excellent reference point for both listening examples and music scores.




In many cases, the music list will include internal links to scores that are included in ARMA. This makes the research process seamless to navigate!


If you have any questions about how to use ARMA, you can reach out directly to us!