FAQ: ARMA Site Licenses

A site license to ARMA gives your entire community unlimited access to the A-R Music Anthology, so that your students, faculty, staff, and other patrons can use this powerful resource.  Yet what does it mean to have a site license? Please use this FAQ to find your reasons for subscribing to ARMA.

Is a site license a subscription?

A site license is an institutional subscription to ARMA. It differs from the student subscription in scope. The student subscription is limited to six months, and while student scriptions include access to the entirety of ARMA, students’ landing pages take them to their instructors’ courses.  Instead, ARMA site licenses open on the main search page.

How does a site License Look?

A site license opens to the search page of ARMA and usually includes the name of the institution on the upper right-hand side of the display.

How Do I Know ARMA Is WOrking?

To verify that ARMA is working, use the search tab on the ARMA landing page. Type a term, like “madrigal,” in the search bar and you should see results appear right away.  You can always modify your search by adding or removing terms in the search bar. If you do not see results, the link may not be working, so contact your librarian if this occurs. Once the result appear, you can open any of the items that appear.

How Do I Open a File?

To open any file, click on it. Within seconds the file will display, and it will open to the first page of the file.  You should see the number of pages at the upper part of the displayed file, and on the left side you should see a print icon.  If the pages do not display and the print icon is missing, the link may not include the IP address of the machine you are using. When that happens, let your librarian know, and send them a screen shot of the display, since it sometimes includes the IP address of your machine. 

Can I Make My Courses with a Site License?

Because a site license gives access to the entire community, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors, ARMA keeps the ability to  make courses with the instructor login. Don’t be alarmed if you cannot make a course on the landing page of a site license. If you do not yet have the free instructor login, please request one today.

If we have a site license, do students need to pay for courses?

If your school as a site license, your students to not need to pay for the courses their instructors build in ARMA. When we configure the site-license link, we also prepare credential that the faculty can share with their students to bypass the pay-wall for courses. It’s part of the site license! Your students do not need to pay twice. Instead, count on your site license to save them money. 

Is the site license Restricted to the music library?

The site license is for your entire community. You can decide on how to publicize it, but we encourage  you to make the most of your site license by promoting it in your department, college, and division, so that it reaches everyone in the humanities and throughout your community.  Some librarians make a point of contacting specific discplines, like French or Spanish or Italian studies, history, and other areas so that ARMA becomes part of the humanities components in literature, art history, and elsewhere.

When your institution shares its IP information with A-R, make certain that you have the details for all the possible locations that will need access. Just as it does not limit access to content, ARMA has no restrictions on IP information. If locations change after getting the site license, A-R can update the IP information in  your profile. 

What if we overuse it?

ARMA’s vocabulary lacks the word overuse.  In other words, a site license is for unlimited use and you cannot overuse it. Printing does not stop at some arbitrary point due to some odd limitation.  We just don’t have those limitations: we program for use! Likewise, access to view the scores is unlimited as your students and faculty explore all the music scores, peer-reviewed articles, structured commentary, and teaching resources that make ARMA a vital part of current collections.

Can we change from student Subscriptions to a Site License?

If you want to change from student subscriptions to a site license, let your librarian know so that they can contact us.  It does not take long to configure the site-license link so that you have easier access to ARMA for your entire community at an affordable price!